My Sister Soul Mate

But I digress.
I had a far too quick, chatter-filled, laughter-filled lunch with my sister yesterday. Not my biological sister; my sister by marriage. I got some real bonuses when I married the mister and Chris is just about the best one. When Chris walks into a room the room comes to life. And life is suddenly brighter. The energy is palpable. She lives in Canada so we don’t get to see each other as often as we’d like and sometimes don’t even speak for months. But when we meet the conversation resumes as if we had just spoken five minutes ago. And we constantly step on each other’s words. There is just too much to say!
“What have you written lately?” “What’s the status on the book?” (We’re both writers; she a poet and me, well, you know me.)
“How was Manhattan?” “What did you do in Vegas?” (We both love to travel.)
“Show me your latest photos.” “I need some note cards!” (She’s my biggest cheerleader.)
“I love that bag! Where did you get it?” “And speaking of bags, when are you going to design some?” (We’re girls! We both love unusual bags, clothes, shoes, etc.)
“What has the puppy chewed up recently?” (We both love animals and have a few in our lives.)
“Where are you finding your inspiration these days?” (We’re both creative souls.)
“What are the kids up to?” (We’re both Moms w/grown children.)
You get the idea. That’s a lot to pack into just a couple of hours and we always leave each other with so much more to say. But as we said our good byes and “I love yous” and “email mes!” I was struck by how lucky I am. How lucky I am that this brilliant spirit so full of energy and laughter and endless imagination came into my life.
And how delightful to leave a person always wanting more…
Labels: sister family friend bff