To Be or Not To Be - Sick

I said I was trying to listen more to The Universe and the little pebbles it throws my way ~ before it has to resort to bricks. So whatever it is, I hope it presents itself to me early in the day so I can go on about my business. (There’s a controlling attitude for you, eh?)
Maybe I’m just one day deeper into the cold/flu I’ve been trying to pretend is not coming on for the last three days. I really don’t like being sick. I think it must be a control thing again – I just don’t like any downtime unless I’ve planned it ~ unless it is of my own choosing. And not allowing time for illness is kind of silly anyway, because it’s not like the Earth will stop rotating on its axis if I take a couple of days to lie around. Control and self-importance ~ hmmmm… now there’s a couple of traits to really be proud of.
On that note ~ off to make a cuppa’ tea and get ready to take Boo to the Vet. I’m hoping that my uneasy feeling has nothing to do with that scenario later this morning…
I do hope all went well at the vet and that the flu thingie doesn't linger too long with you.
Feel better and enjoy your tea.
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