I Can See Clearly Now

This morning I had the most delightful revelation. Because we are dog-sitting our little neighbor, Sweetie (but I call him Bubba), feeding time at our house takes two of us to separate the dogs. The mister stays in the kitchen with Sweetie Bubba; Simba and I retreat to the bedroom for about 10 minutes. A perfect time to do something quiet for 10 minutes; like pick up a book. Those of you who know me know my history with reading… Mom didn’t see it as productive time, so reading was never encouraged. Thus, as much as I enjoy reading, I’ve always felt guilty taking time to do it.
Anyhoo, forced to spend a few minutes in a quiet room I picked up my current read “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert. Probably one of the best books ~ certainly most original stories ~ I’ve ever read. I have adored traveling with her on her journey. Having just made the bed (and y’all know how anal I am) and not wanting to mess it up, I chose to sit in the corner in my seldom-used Grandfather’s rocking chair.
It’s funny how you can see something every day and not really see it.
Within minutes my feet were up on the ottoman and I literally kicked back and was lost in Elizabeth’s fascinating story. The morning sun streamed in over my shoulder, a cup of hot cocoa at my side. Occasionally I would take a moment to sip the cocoa and savor some of Elizabeth’s wisdom while staring out the window on to the untouched velvet snow. Ten minutes turned into an hour and I sadly said goodbye to Elizabeth and her travels as I closed the book on the final page. Maybe something she said seeped into my unconscious or maybe it was – for once – taking some real “me” time, but I decided then and there that this is a wonderful way to start a day!
I’ve always been one to throw on my sweats, grab my camera and leash up the dog, jump in the Jeep and head to the park every morning. All before breakfast. All before brushing my teeth! I had to hit the day running or it wasn’t starting right. But I have a patient pup; she can wait a little while before hitting the pavement. I have no children pulling at my shirt needing breakfast; no alarm jolting me out of bed and on the road to the office. Why not?
Now I’m thinking I’ll try this new sunshine-on-my-shoulder-take-some-time-to-step-into-another-world-meditative thing a couple of days a week. I still need my mornings in nature; but I really relished that quiet time this morning. Time to lose myself in another place, another time, another life. Ironically one of my New Year’s Resolutions for many years has been to read more. Because I have always believed prolific readers make for prolific and better writers. I do believe I have found how to do that. I’m seeing a few more pillows and plants and cozy touches in that corner… my corner.
It’s funny how you can see something every day and not really see it.
A good read, as always! Thought-provoking as well. And this chair reminds me of my own grandfather's chair. Mom and Dad have it.
Your writing and photography will be something to look forward to for me in 2008. Know this: Your pearls of wisdom have a positive effect on those who are privileged enough to read them. At our age, following our heart is not an option...it is a mandate. The art of communication is just that...it is an art and skill that many of us do not possess, or use often. Happy New Year!
I love that spot. I do hope that you will spend much more time sitting there, in that cozy spot with a book or without....
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