Thursday, December 13, 2007

Light Speed, Baby.

For the first time in ages, I don’t feel stressed out over Christmas. What a novel idea… just enjoy the season and all that comes with it. Despite the fact that we have six – count them six – parties on our calendar this month, I’m not stressed. I’m actually looking forward to each one.

A couple of years ago all the siblings on both sides of our families decided we have enough stuff. We don’t need any more stuff. So in lieu of giving gifts to each other, we give to charities and causes we believe in. I’ve discovered the joys of online shopping for my little nieces and my kids and my mister. No long lines in the post office for me!

Both the mister and I have had a good time decorating our new home in all its glory for its first Christmas. We have thoroughly decked the halls. Now we just sit back and enjoy (even though I have moments when the “clutter” gets on my OCD nerves a little. I know it will all be back to normal in a couple of weeks.).

And despite the fact that I’m indulging in a sweet here and there (ok, several sweets), I’m managing to keep my 6.5 lb. weight loss off. If I can just maintain thru the holidays, I’ll resume the loss when we turn the calendar.

And I can't wait to turn that calendar. I can’t remember a time when I was so excited about starting a new year. I’ve decided that 2008 is going to be my year to break out. I am going to challenge myself to try new things, meet new people, see new places. (All of which will, of course, be recorded in both word and image.) This year has been life-changing for me, giving me the courage and the energy to do some exceptional things as I dance into ’08. Big time goals (a couple of books and about 20 other things) and big time fun ~ travels to the northwest I’ve been longing to experience and day by day by day adventures.

I’m going to practice my mantra ~ “Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”

I’m going to grab every moment. And then share it.

Hide and watch me.



At 6:14 PM, Blogger Bonnie said...

Here's to a Magical and Merry Holiday Season and the Happiest of New Years!!

I'm along for the ride, looking forward to your words and images.

At 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your enthusiasm!!! It's contagious!


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