Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Life and Death

Ok. So the second place my great thoughts originate is in the shower. The other morning this flashed across my radar. It scared me. It comforted me. It confused me.

I need to accept the fact I’m going to die.

Even embrace it. Because I don’t think I can truly live until I fully realize and accept the fact that I’m going to die. I’m beginning to see that until I realize my time here is finite, I won’t appreciate each day as I should. For all my big talk about my mantra being “Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life” ~ they are just wonderful words.

That is, until I start living them.

Now the challenge is to learn how to do that.

It's a start.



At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came face to face with my mortality in 1999 when I was told I had cancer. You go merrily along thinking it will never happen to YOU, and then one day it does! I realized then that I don't have time for the petty cr*p anymore! I realized a lot of things with that experience.

When my uncle died in March, and I was the only one with my aunt when they told her and then later when she went into his room to say her final goodbyes after he had died, I realized that day, again, that the petty stuff just doesn't matter. Life was stripped to its rawest in that room--all that mattered was that he wasn't there anymore.

And the shower/bath is where I seem to come across great thoughts too!

Love the pic!!!

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Bonnie said...

Be careful about thinking too much in the shower..... it's a slippery, dangerous place. Seriously, the book I just finished talked about how busy our mind is all the time. The busy mind always talking to us (thinking), keeping us from paying attention to what we are doing. The shower was an example in the book. When you are in the shower, truly, the only thing you should be doing is showering.

Enough preaching as I am having trouble living that life. What I have learned, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and It's All Small Stuff". From the moment we are born, our life on Earth is limited. From our first breath, we are dying even as we grow. How to make the most of our life, that is the question. Live and let go. That's what I am trying to do.

Okay, enough hogging your comments. This topic is one I may have to visit on my own blog someday.


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