What a Pain

But on that “Eat, Pray, Love” note ~ I saw the author on Oprah the other day ~ as Oprah gushed about the book. I do feel it necessary to say that I bought this book months ago ~ long before the Oprah rush and gush began. It just sometimes takes me awhile to work my way down the stack of books I want to read. Restricting myself to only reading at night prolongs that process.
I kind of wish I hadn’t seen the interview ~ at least until I had finished the book. I’m afraid that what was initially such a well-intentioned work will turn into the latest in the “self help” phenomena of written word out there today. And that, in my mind, will cheapen it.
I’m just tired and cranky because my arm/elbow/shoulder still hurt like hell and I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in 2 weeks. Time to get serious about fixing this physical malady because it is affecting everything.
Not the least of which is my mood. Dammit.
One word about some temporary relief for that pain: Biofreeze! Of course, it won't work on every kind of pain, but we sing its praises.
That books on my to read list just haven't attacked it yet. Let me know if it's helpful.
The shoulder pain, well, don't use it at all for awhile. Leave the cameras at home for a week and just walk with Simba. And if it's truly concerning, call the doctor. :)
From one procrastinator to another.
hey thanks, girls. always good advice from you two. i actually have an appointment w/my daughter in law massage therapist tomorrow - we're working on a series of sessions. she's so good for me - teaching me alternative health. that's why she wants to be an oesteopath. sure would be nice to have a doc in the family some day... :)
o, and b - i'll send you a book review once i'm done! :)
i love to read your posts! I have tagged you as someone that Makes Me Smile. Stop by my Blog and pick it up!
thank you jaki. :D happy to oblige...
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