Playing With Fire

She didn’t want to hear it. She looked for anything to focus on besides his face.
“It’s a crap shoot. It’s Russian roulette. It’s like DeeDee smoking. Once it’s gone – it’s gone - and it's all over.” His voice was steady and serious.
“I know.”
This room was far too small. Where was the door? Because she needed to exit stage left like NOW.
"It's nothing you did; it's not your fault. But you do need to wake up."
Where is that damn door????
Denial – as they say – is not just a river in Egypt. It’s a really lovely little fantasy land where one can get lost for days – months – years. There are no rules in Denial; there are no guidelines by which to live. It’s a five star resort with no spending limit. It’s no responsibility (what an ugly word), no cares, no worries.
But Truth will find you. There really is no escaping Truth; it will find you. It knows your name, it has your number and it will hunt you down mercilessly. It carries the book of what is real ~ the facts, the things you can’t deny; and it will whack you over the head with it. Because some things are beyond our control; Truth holds the ultimate power. It will back you up against the wall, holding your arm up against that rigid back until you scream Uncle so loud they can hear you on the moon.
If Guilt is a Vampire, then Truth must be an angel. In disguise. Truth can take on any form and speak in any tongue.
Who knew mine would have a southern accent?
Ok, I give. I think. I hope. I pray.
Whew! That was quite a trip. Why the GUILT and DENIAL? I'm dying to know. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
let's just say i've got a potentially dangerous health situation i've known about for awhile and i've ignored my doctor's advice. i carry guilt about a few things in my life, but the guilt of that situation is coming down hard. particularly in light of a friend reminding me quite directly i need to wake up.
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