Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Surpise That is This Life

I’m crawling out of the pool of guilt – I did my laps quite early this morning and have earned a night off - poolside with a glass of vino and a few reflections. It was a day spent playing with wedding photos; an evening with the 6th season of the Gilmore Girls (Susan if you are reading this - stop gagging), a glass of wine and good ol’ comfort food – jalapeno havarti grilled sandwich and I’m good. And happy.

A day all to myself to do whatever I want. Which most of my days could be, it’s just that guilt thing and that Midwestern work ethic thing that keep that from happening. I’m thinking my days could be a lot happier without the guilt and the self-imposed expectations. And taking a cue from my friend, Jaki – an incredible spirit, a 4 year breast cancer survivor – every day is a gift and is meant to be lived.

So on that inspirational note, I’m reflecting on the past week. It’s interesting what graduations, weddings and funerals bring about. They bring people together in a reminiscent way – restoring the past, if only momentarily. And introduce us to people we have known but have lost touch with, seeing them thru new eyes. Sometimes really wonderful surprises land on your heart and make you smile.

I’m sending a wink and a hug to Canada. Who knew?



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