Sunday, June 10, 2007

Biding Time

So I’m just biding time waiting till 4:00 so we can wander down to the clubhouse for the big neighborhood pool party. I don’t want to start any projects now because I can’t finish anything in an hour and it bugs me to just get into something and have to leave. I’m sure the party will be fun – and interesting – see some familiar faces and meet some new ones. And, of course – like it matters – I changed my outfit three times. I’m so very used to dressing as nature girl and I realize there are occasions when I need to kick it up a notch and wear something a little more girly. Well, I don’t have to, but I kinda’ feel like I should. And a full-length mirror would certainly help. We sold mine with the old house and I’ve not found a replacement yet. I want a nice looking one in a wooden frame, free-standing and am finding it’s not that easy to find them. So for now I review my attire with a reflection from the shower door. If I squint I can kind of see the whole picture. Vaguely. So who knows what I leave the house looking like.

I’m hoping this will be a fairly short social gathering. The last block party we attended, we were among the final four to leave. I don’t want to become known as “o those people down the street who we can’t get rid of!” And besides the Sopranos finale is on tonight. We record it but I really want to see this as it airs. The end of an era. Their story lines did slip a bit in the last couple of years, but it really was a one-of-a-kind show in the beginning. I remember I was the one who turned the mister on to it – and that’s a real switch as I abhor violence. I think I was just fascinated by the shock value and tuned in every week to see how they were going to make me jump and gasp.

We’re also fascinated by a cleaning lady who spent 12 hours at the vacant house next door yesterday cleaning and finally left at 10:00 pm. (We are easily distracted.) She was back again this morning at 10:00 and after the realtor who let her in left, she pulled her car in the garage and apparently is settling in quite nicely. Keep in mind this is an unfurnished house. I really don’t think I could spend more than 12 hours cleaning my furnished house; let alone carry it into the next day.

So, with my official “neighborhood watch block captain” hat on (I wish they did give me a hat – or a badge or something; I was heavy into theatre in high school and love costumes), I’m keeping an eye on the situation. Just seems kinda’ fishy to me. I have my first official NW meeting next week and will learn all of my official duties. Maybe I’ll get my hat/badge then.

Well, that killed 15 minutes… maybe I’ll call my Mom and see what life in Iowa is like today…



At 8:03 AM, Blogger James said... was the party and what did you think of the Sopranos finale?

At 8:28 AM, Blogger Bonnie said...

You could be known as the old fogies that never attend the party and always call and complain. Better to be the life of the party and enjoy yourselves. :)

At 11:48 AM, Blogger Cindi said...

*Skip - the party was fun and the finale of the sopranos was exactly what i expected (albeit disappointing). why would they kill off a cash cow? that's the disappointing thing in "entertainment" these days - it's not about the story; it's about $$$$$.
*B - i never looked at it that way. :) even though we were one of the first to leave, we did have a table full of people saying goodbye! :)


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