Warren Zevon Saved the Day

Simba’s easy. She hops in the back of the Jeep and we’re ready to go. A-choo, on the other hand, needs to be tracked down, lovingly scooped up and coaxed into her cat carrier. She’s on to this game now, so it’s not as much fun as it was in the beginning.
We, of course, headed to the park. Thinking if I drove slowly it would probably take only one loop around the 880 acre park and we could just scoot back on home. Silly me. Two and a half hours later, I’m text messaging the mister saying, “Can we please come home now??” Simba was upset and whining – not understanding why the heck we were in the park and not out walking and chasing geese. It was too cold! A-choo was upset and crying endlessly as she pushed her little nose against the mesh trying to escape the carrier.
I searched my IPod continuously for something that might calm them both. Ironically Warren Zevon seemed to work for A-choo. She showed a particular fondness for “Send Lawyers, Guns and Money.” Go figure. Simba leaned more toward anything Enya as she isn’t into loud noises – considering the amount of ear surface she has with those big stand-up ears, that’s understandable.
I had grabbed my camera on my way out the door; but, of course, didn’t have time to snatch up any additional lenses. And, of course, what is the first thing I see when entering the park? Three pelicans circling high overhead. Yup, the pelicans are back and I was so excited. And so bummed because I was missing my telephoto lens. So, of course, because I didn’t have it pelicans were everywhere. And the cherry on top of this hot fudge sundae? As I my phone rang and I tried to engage in a conversation with the design person re: blinds for our new house, I saw the biggest eagle I’ve ever seen land in the woods several hundred yards away.
Does anyone remember the skit on SNL in the early years where a couple is driving along (Gildna Radner and maybe Rick Moranis? Can’t remember for sure) and suddenly they start seeing amazing things like flying dinosaurs? The catch line was something like, “and me, without my camera!”
Well, that was me all over last week. Even though I had my camera, it was pretty useless without the proper lenses. My saving grace? In two week’s time I’ll be able to walk back home to retrieve whatever I need!
That's always the way of it! Don and I missed one of the most phenomenal shots years ago because we didn't have a camera in the car (pre-digital days). A guy was on the green at the golf course, lining up his shot and directly behind him, his golf cart was in total flames! Sorry about the golf cart, but what a picture that would have been!
I came back for another look. A-choo's eyes are hilarious through that mesh! Hope things went well.
Once, on a lonely country road, I saw what could only be ELVIS. Did I have my camera? No!! ;) It's always that way and a play on those moments where film gets chewed up during developing... must use Polaroid to catch that flying dinosaur.
At least you got to enjoy the birds... and A-choo is adorable.
Did I ever tell you about the time I was hiking out in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State? I was on unchartered territory for me and stumbled upon a lake and what to my amazed eyes should I see? Come on, you can guess? Big Foot. Yep, Big Foot cooling off in the lake. My camera, the film jammed. Yep, one of those countless times...
I got a million stories... want more?
shirley - you're not going to believe this one, but we once saw a Jeep on fire on a golf course! They had to drive off the road to get out of traffic and the only place was the golf course!
B - Hmmm... i really must hike w/you sometime. you do come across the most interesting phenomena... you nut. :)
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