Where Everybody Knows Your Name...

I hadn’t in a long time, so as I was taking a break tonight I did. At first it was like, “Whoa, aren’t I all that?” ~ seeing some photos and small articles I have had published over the years that I’d forgotten about. Then I started seeing some of my images which had clearly been stolen. Or at least borrowed without my permission. Think I’ll be careful with the tags from now on. People who know me and like me will find me. I say this just having joined a couple more online photo sites… go figure. In my defense (because I always feel the need to defend my actions and, yes, that would make me a rather defensive person sometimes which is not an attractive trait), these are rather specific sites aimed more at publication ~ unlike Flickr which has become my hometown. But then the internet is still unchartered and unregulated territory and I need to remember that. Sometimes it can become too familiar… too safe.
That being said, think I’ll post a pic to Flickr and go to bed.
Hi you!
You've got me curious about me. People think what's on the Net is free for the taking. And you know what, M has a teacher that encourages said taking and has even told the kids..... "it's for education". Not cool.
I Google myself once in a while (that sounds a bit too provacative, I know). It makes me very happy to not find myself listed as "deceased"! Another day above ground...another day in paradise...another day in cyberspace...etc. The internet...what a love/hate relationship.
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