Moving Ahead

I tried to start packing today, but it just ended up being an exercise in frustration. There is so much it’s hard to know where to begin. And this is where the “working together” part comes in. We each have our own way of moving thru life and that applies to moving to a new house as well. Neither one of us is right, nor are we wrong; we’re just different. So conversation and organization are in order before I can move forward ~ or anywhere.
And this I know for sure. I’ve had too much caffeine today.
Labels: transitions
I don't envy you the packing and actual moving part but the starting fresh, in a new home, that will make it all worthwhile.
Too much caffeine, is there such a thing? I just had a latte. :O)
You're looking at this wrong, Sweetie! You're moving to a new home!!! Packing is just details :D Pick a room, start at one corner and work your way around. That's what I do :D
ah, the problem lies in two different ideas of how to move. one being pack the plastic storage boxes, take to new house, unpack and return to old house to repack. start all over again.
one being pack weeks in advance; be ready to go as soon as house is available; move boxes and pack as time allows.
you see my dilemma.
and you can guess whose method is whose...
i meant unpack as time allows.
sheesh. i'm tired. getting up at 4 am will do that to ya'...
hang in there, girlfriend! it'll all be over and packing will be a distant memory as you enjoy your new home! congrats!
i still have two boxes that are unpacked and we've lived here nigh on 19 years! OY!
so, celebrate your differences. You do your stuff your way, let mister do his stuff his way and the stuff that's both of yours, let him do it his way and you go shopping!
love you!
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