Guilt is a Vampire

But yet I let him wield his nasty power in the wee hours of the morning. He crawls in my brain and scratches around until my eyes flutter and my body rolls back and forth, back and forth fighting to return to the sleep that will taunt me all day. In the end he almost always wins and I’m left tormented and exhausted – facing another day with the anger, the guilt and the need for a nap. Which I will never take because I feel guilty when I do.
One of my mantras is “Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.” Easy enough to at least attempt to follow in my waking hours; but when caught off guard while sleeping… I’m not strong enough to live it.
Sometimes I wonder if this is all about faith ~ about trusting that higher power to be there for me. To back me up and face down this Vampire Guilt in the Darkness. Maybe this struggle with Anger and Guilt and lack of Self Discipline is all one big test. But then that’s a whole other conversation.
For now I just want to be able to sleep. I think Guilt is whipping Self-Discipline’s ass. Guilt is loving it and Anger’s over in the corner just snickering while waiting his turn.
Interesting metaphor, Cindi (guilt & vampires). They both are capable of sucking you dry. Guilt and regrets go hand in hand. Sometimes, it seems the baggage platform stretches endlessly back up the tracks. You can't change the past (duh!)...but you can relish the present with unconditional self approval. Just stop getting off that new train. Easier said than done, I know.
Seems, though, that might be my problem. I've had this fascination with vampires for years (even before I read Anne Rice). Your metaphor gives me more pause for thought.
thanks you two. funny how after putting pen to paper so to speak i slept thru the night *almost* guilt-free...
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