
And my arm is thanking me for the reprieve. I’m thanking God we have a massage therapist in the family… I start treatment next week.
But this is no time for me to become handicapped. I hesitate to say that my “career” might just be on the cusp of taking off, but things are picking up for sure. First Wildflowers; now Under the Umbrella. Things come in threes I guess because after a lull in sales in general I sold two prints at Solera yesterday. I’m taking it all as a sign that I need to [for lack of a less cliché phrase] strike while the iron is hot. I know exactly the area I’m going to explore next.
After some early experiences that didn’t turn out quite so well as recent ones, I was reluctant about promoting myself. I’m slowly gaining some confidence. And I do need to pull out that “Chicken Soup for the Soul” edition with the lists of all the famous people (Walt Disney comes to mind, not to mention Mark Hansen and Jack Canfield themselves) who failed several times before reaching their goals of success.
Success is all relative; it means different things to different people. For me it’s all about the validation that has eluded me all my life. Making a few buckaroos along the way would be nice.
But feeling I’m worthy;
that I’ve done something of value with my life and someone acknowledges that;
that maybe – just maybe – I have a thimbleful of talent and I’m not as dumb as my Dad told me I was as I was growing up ~ well…
you can’t put a price on that.
You've got oceans of talent, cindi!!
I'm just so happy for you!! You know I truly want all the best for you! :)
I second what Bonnie says!
I recently watched The Secret on DVD. Gotta find my old copy of CSFTS and read it a again. Do you have a Vision Board yet? Disney's Mickey Mouse was rejected many times. Stay with it.
well you're just the best cheerleaders ~ and you know the feeling is mutual.
*Skip - i'm ashamed to say i've got a copy of the book "the secret" and haven't read it yet! perhaps i should do that... ;-) and i actually met mark hansen and jack canfield one time. jack read some of my "stuff" (my essays) and told me to keep at it - don't give up. there's still a part of me that rejects any encouragement - and that's MY problem.
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