I Would Miss You All My Life...

That’s what I thought the other day when the mister did something that annoyed me. It wasn’t my first thought, but it evolved to that.
I would miss you all my life.
You know what they say. They say that when you feel annoyed with your spouse over little things you should remember what attracted you to them in the first place and focus on that.
Ok. If you weren't in my life...
Damn. I would miss you.
When I went home after meeting him for the first time, I wrote in my journal - He talked more than any other guy I had ever met; he told great stories and asked great questions. After our first date I wrote - He was charming… he said all the right things. “I love walking out of a restaurant behind you because every guy in the place is looking at you. And I think to myself, ‘Yeah. She’s with me.’” (Ok, he was part bullshit, too, but it was charming at the time. It worked, didn’t it???)
I love to laugh and he made me laugh. A lot. O, god, he made me laugh.
As we got to know one another, I wrote - He made anyone he encountered want to be where he was, experience what he had experienced. He was a magnet. He was caring and giving – and he showed it. He was handsome – huge brown eyes, jet black hair w/a hint of grey. He was adorable. He was a living teddy bear. A couple of months into it, I wrote - He was a great hugger and a sweet kisser. He loved my cat – and he wasn’t a cat person. A few months later, I wrote - He insisted I phoned my parents every weekend; up until meeting him I rarely called.
You get the picture.
So no matter how many socks I trip over; how many coffee cups I wash; how many nights he works late... like 18 hour days; how many times he drives me nuts w/questions and observances (see - it comes back to haunt you!); how many times I roll my eyes… if he wasn’t in my life I would always have wondered…
What stories are you telling?
Where have you been?
What are you doing now?
Whose cat are you snuggling?
Who are you charming?
Who are you loving…
I know he won’t read this, but thanks for 16 years of an interesting life.
I would have missed you all my life.
Happy Anniversary you two!!
Words to remember.
I have been meaning to comment here and seem to be in a hurry every time I visit. This is soooo touching!!!!!
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