Snap Your Fingers.

That’s how quickly it can happen. One second you’re here breathing. The next second you’re not. Like a sunrise. Come and gone in an instant.
I’ve been thinking much of the night about the life and death of someone I didn’t even know. And I only know her family (mother) in cyberspace. Yet, we have become friends over these mysterious waves and my heart is breaking for her. I honestly cannot imagine the pain of losing a child ~ no matter how old they are. It’s just not the way we see things in the life. The orderly manner in which we all grow old, parents leave us and children assume their position. Next?
When The Universe, God, whatever you want to call it has other plans, we’re not ready. It’s not how it is supposed to play out. We are caught off guard and life from that point on is one big question. Why?
This prompted the memory of another unexplainable loss, probably five or six years ago now. The sudden and tragic death of a beautiful 24 year old woman I watched grow up. (Ironically tomorrow is her birthday.) Her mother and I had been best friends for years. But as happens, our lives changed, we grew apart and lost touch over the years: what a sad event to bring us [temporarily] back together ~ her daughter’s funeral. And one thing my friend said I carry with me to this day:
“We are so arrogant to think we have control over anything.”
And then all kinds of things people have said over the years started flooding my mind last night. My cyberspace friend, deep in grief, reminded us of something that had been on her mind for the last week (and I know this for a fact because she blogged about it) ~ “Life is a gift.” Someone was definitely sending a message.
I thought about a friend who, in helping me cope with a recent problem, told me the way he views his life and how he has always tried to measure things is:
“If I’m at least 60% happy, I’m ok with that. I strive to increase that, but 60% is the cut-off. If it falls below that, something has to change.”
And I thought about all the things I’ve written in my journals over the years; blogged about in recent years. The books I’ve read; the therapists I’ve seen. It all really boils down to one thing.
You don’t have forever. This isn’t a dress rehearsal; this is it.
So, I’m thinking it’s time to start living life with intent. Intent to accomplish some of the goals I’ve had my entire life; see some of those places I want to see. Intent to live healthy and happy. Intent to be a good person. Intent to love more freely and be more tolerant. Relax. Have fun. Focus. Or not. Listen to the lessons that The Universe is sending my way; be aware. When those bricks hit my head, pay attention. Lighten up. Love myself and love the stuffings out of my friends and family.
It’s all sounding so incredibly trite, but it’s true.
Snap your fingers. Here. Gone.
beautifully written, Cindi. My mind struggled all night with words for shirley and her family.
Well said. Thank-you for sharing.
Not trite at all. This past year tuaght me to never take anything for granted -- I've found myself saying "I know it sounds cliche, but I've been given a second chance, and I don't intend to waste it."
Anyway, amen to the above
i really enjoy your blog. you have a natural "voice" when you write.
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