Think of Good Things

So I’ll try to focus on some positive things.
Like I actually cleaned the fridge and pantry the other day. As happens every year, post-holiday both are cluttered with good intentions – neighbors stopping by with sweets and libations; family bringing too much of whatever they were assigned for the holiday meal; us over-buying for parties because we don’t want anyone to go hungry. Or thirsty. Lordie, lord. Excess abounds.
And as I am every January, I’m over excess. The first thing on my grocery list this week was fresh vegetables. I’ve been making salads every night. So as I opened the doors to the fridge and pantry respectively it was almost thrilling for me to drag out the trash can and start tossing. I feel a little guilty that some of it is probably still edible; but I assuaged my guilt this year by washing out every single glass and plastic container and depositing them in our recycling bins.
I just love seeing bare space in the fridge – clean glass shelves with food organized according to use. Freezer shelves the same. And the pantry! All the soups in one section; the beans in another. Breakfast items in one corner; baking supplies on the bottom shelf. Oils and vinegars next to the pastas and rice. My tea assortment over here. Those evil snacks (all except chocolate – it’s not evil) over to the side.
And all the labels – fridge, freezer and pantry - clearly facing out so they can be read. It bothers me when they are not. Why, yes… I totally understood Julia Robert’s husband in “Sleeping with the Enemy.” At least as far as the kitchen shelves and the bath towels went. Not so much the whole beating and wanting to kill her part.
So all is happy in my kitchen again.
At least until Easter.
Wow, I'm impressed! Aaargh! That's something we have to buy when we move--a fridge! I dread that!
At least it makes sense. When Mike does it, the only sense is size, shape and color. Maybe cereal on one shelf and that's about it. Me, I prefer soups in one spot, broth and tomato sauces in another and so on... Same with the fridge.
Wanna come organize mine?! I'll even pour a cuppa wine (or mug of beer) for you. :)
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