Sunday, November 25, 2007

Life. Or Something Like It.

So I’m trying to figure out two things:

Why I have this impending sense of doom. Why I have a morbid and depressing, yet intriguing, obsession with death and what comes after (and it’s not just because of my current involvement in a project by almost the same name). And why I kept hyperventilating in the art museum yesterday.

O, wait, that’s three things.

The hyperventilating bordered on an anxiety attack a couple of times. Go figure. It could have been because I was annoyed with the mister who was supposed to be spending quality time with me, but instead was spending a significant amount of time on his blackberry. So while he was doing that I spent some time studying the paintings and images in the Contemporary Gallery (my favorite of all the galleries, I think). I read about the artists ~ if they were still alive or when they died. And I stared at their signatures on their art. Some of these artists had been gone for many, many years. And yet their work and their name and their signatures live on.

I found myself wondering if my work would live on. If my name would live on.

And then I wondered why I cared. And what is it exactly I want to be remembered for? What am I hoping to contribute to society? What will be my legacy? And, why do I care? I'll be gone!

And why do I spend an inordinate amount of time feeling bad about myself? And then feeling bad that I spend so much time doing that because life is too fricking short to be doing that. It is one frustrating and draining endless circle.

Sheesh. No wonder I hyperventilate.


The Kindness of Strangers

You just never know when a stranger will make your day.

I spent my 53rd birthday in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago. The day before my birthday I was wandering around shooting; Vegas is one big photo op. It was a day when I was happy to have some alone time. Just me and my camera. I wasn’t in a particularly good mood and I was enjoying the absence of human interaction. When I’m on a shoot like that I can go all day without speaking to anyone. To do so distracts my attention and I lose my momentum.

So I tried not to show my annoyance when a man struck up a conversation w/me as I was shooting the fountains at the Bellagio. Couldn’t he see I was working? He was making idle chit chat and I just wanted to get back to my fountains before they stopped showing off. Even though I was pleasant, I must have sent off the vibe that I was busy because the conversation was brief. Thank God. But as he was leaving he turned, pointed in my direction and said~

“You have a nice smile. Don’t lose that smile!”

I smiled bigger. And I smiled thru that day and the next. I’m smiling again as I write. All because a stranger was thoughtful enough to take the time and say a few kind words. It made me want to go out and do the same.

You just never know when a stranger will make your day.

“We should not forget to entertain strangers, lest we entertain angels unaware.” The Bible


Sunday, November 04, 2007

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

A broadcaster, a florist and a psychologist. No, they didn’t go into a bar.

It’s what I was supposed to be when I grew up – in that order. At least that’s what my Myers Briggs Personality Test said at age 30. And why that occurred to me at 4:00 am is beyond me. My mind works in mysterious ways.

I can’t really see myself as a broadcaster, although at my 20th high school reunion one of my former cheerleading buddies who worked for a radio station in Florida told me I should do voiceovers. Maybe the whole broadcasting thing was tied into my teenage aspirations to be an actress.

I’ve known a few therapists in my time (don’t ask) so I could see me doing a psychology thing. I know a lot of the lingo…

But a florist… now I could see myself being a florist. That’s artistic. That’s creative. I am a florist in my own home, when I arrange my grocery store bought flowers each week.

So maybe it wasn’t such a stretch that my first foray into photography revolved around flowers…
