Monday, December 31, 2007

We Did. And It Did.

December 31 ~ a time for reflection. Last year at this time I was absolutely a fountain of excitement upon hearing my younger son and his girlfriend of forever had decided to make it official. The marriage would take place in 2007. Then the mister and I got a little more serious about leaving our home of 10 years and moving to a new space. With that decision the excitement went off the charts.

Hence the mantra for 2007 became “Leap and the net will appear.”

We did and it did.

What a great year. I mean a really great year. As we were to learn, it was one event after another after another. The whole house scenario – putting a contract on one house and it falling thru; selling our home in 11 days; finally settling on and in our dream home (things, indeed, happen for a reason) – took up much of the first half of the year. Along the way all of our children – the Denver branch and the San Francisco/Berkeley branch – moved to bigger and better homes as well. The wedding and the family fun which ensued was definitely the highlight of the year. It was… magic. Being able to share that and our new home with my 89 year old Mom in from Iowa was a true blessing. A multitude of friends and family followed to christen the house properly (let’s just say the bar was open often…).

From out of nowhere a tiny whisper of self confidence began to enter my life. Wow. Where did that come from? I stretched my boundaries and my eye and my imagination a tad with my photography. I was published in places I never would have guessed I’d be published. I took some chances. I actually did some spontaneous self-promotion and much to my surprise, was accepted and invited in with enthusiasm! I found myself in new spaces – retail and exhibition. I truly never knew I had it in me.

I made friends. Tons of them ~ both in cyberspace and in the flesh. For someone who has been a lone wolf almost her entire life, this was life-changing. It’s been so much fun, but I’m learning I need to set limits. I need to find a balance between the solitude that I need – for my craft and my soul – and being the social butterfly.

So now as 2007 draws to a close, I find myself with so much to be grateful for, very few regrets and for the first time in a long time ~ a genuine excitement and anticipation for all the doors I see that are waiting to be opened. It’s all there waiting for me; I just have to take those first few steps. My life is a whirlwind of choices to be made, directions to be sought, ideas to pursue. The sky is the limit. No. Beyond the sky.

I feel like Dorothy. I think I’ve had a Good Witch Glinda whispering in my ear this year. She has been continually and consistently softly speaking, “You don't need to be helped any longer. You've always had the power...”

All I have to do now is click my heels.


Saturday, December 29, 2007

I Can See Clearly Now

It’s funny how you can see something every day and not really see it. I don’t know if you do this, but when I move into a new home (which, thank God, doesn’t happen that often anymore), I am so exhausted that where the furniture is first set down, often remains it’s resting place for months ~ years. So to see something thru new eyes is fun.

This morning I had the most delightful revelation. Because we are dog-sitting our little neighbor, Sweetie (but I call him Bubba), feeding time at our house takes two of us to separate the dogs. The mister stays in the kitchen with Sweetie Bubba; Simba and I retreat to the bedroom for about 10 minutes. A perfect time to do something quiet for 10 minutes; like pick up a book. Those of you who know me know my history with reading… Mom didn’t see it as productive time, so reading was never encouraged. Thus, as much as I enjoy reading, I’ve always felt guilty taking time to do it.

Anyhoo, forced to spend a few minutes in a quiet room I picked up my current read “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert. Probably one of the best books ~ certainly most original stories ~ I’ve ever read. I have adored traveling with her on her journey. Having just made the bed (and y’all know how anal I am) and not wanting to mess it up, I chose to sit in the corner in my seldom-used Grandfather’s rocking chair.

It’s funny how you can see something every day and not really see it.

Within minutes my feet were up on the ottoman and I literally kicked back and was lost in Elizabeth’s fascinating story. The morning sun streamed in over my shoulder, a cup of hot cocoa at my side. Occasionally I would take a moment to sip the cocoa and savor some of Elizabeth’s wisdom while staring out the window on to the untouched velvet snow. Ten minutes turned into an hour and I sadly said goodbye to Elizabeth and her travels as I closed the book on the final page. Maybe something she said seeped into my unconscious or maybe it was – for once – taking some real “me” time, but I decided then and there that this is a wonderful way to start a day!

I’ve always been one to throw on my sweats, grab my camera and leash up the dog, jump in the Jeep and head to the park every morning. All before breakfast. All before brushing my teeth! I had to hit the day running or it wasn’t starting right. But I have a patient pup; she can wait a little while before hitting the pavement. I have no children pulling at my shirt needing breakfast; no alarm jolting me out of bed and on the road to the office. Why not?

Now I’m thinking I’ll try this new sunshine-on-my-shoulder-take-some-time-to-step-into-another-world-meditative thing a couple of days a week. I still need my mornings in nature; but I really relished that quiet time this morning. Time to lose myself in another place, another time, another life. Ironically one of my New Year’s Resolutions for many years has been to read more. Because I have always believed prolific readers make for prolific and better writers. I do believe I have found how to do that. I’m seeing a few more pillows and plants and cozy touches in that corner… my corner.

It’s funny how you can see something every day and not really see it.


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Are We There Yet?

So my enthusiasm of the other day has given way to too many Christmas parties and late nights. Enough with the holidays already. I literally cringed when I saw yet another invitation pop up into my mailbox a minute ago. That would be #7 (and that’s not even counting our own family celebration). Stick a fork in me; I’m done.

I’ve spent the day doing basically nothing. Which, I always remind myself, is ok once in awhile, especially on a Sunday. I did attempt a shoot for a Lensbaby contest this morning. Most of it was just frustrating, but I got a couple of “maybe” shots. I tried to remember how to crochet for about 5 minutes until it was time to turn and do a new row and that headache that’s been hanging around all day decided to pull up a chair, kick off his shoes and get comfortable. And that bugs me because I seldom get headaches.

There seems to never be anything on TV these days (so why is the cable bill so high?); so I’ve resorted to an old standby “Sleepless in Seattle.” It was either that or “While You Were Sleeping.” Hmmm… wonder if I’m just tired.

The one bright spot in my day? Reading my horoscope for January 2008. And I quote, “Here’s your takeaway message for 2008: No matter what else you accomplish, this year you will learn how to communicate with others in a new way.” It went on to say, “It is an excellent time to start a new website or strike a deal to write that book you’ve been dreaming up.”



Thursday, December 13, 2007

Light Speed, Baby.

For the first time in ages, I don’t feel stressed out over Christmas. What a novel idea… just enjoy the season and all that comes with it. Despite the fact that we have six – count them six – parties on our calendar this month, I’m not stressed. I’m actually looking forward to each one.

A couple of years ago all the siblings on both sides of our families decided we have enough stuff. We don’t need any more stuff. So in lieu of giving gifts to each other, we give to charities and causes we believe in. I’ve discovered the joys of online shopping for my little nieces and my kids and my mister. No long lines in the post office for me!

Both the mister and I have had a good time decorating our new home in all its glory for its first Christmas. We have thoroughly decked the halls. Now we just sit back and enjoy (even though I have moments when the “clutter” gets on my OCD nerves a little. I know it will all be back to normal in a couple of weeks.).

And despite the fact that I’m indulging in a sweet here and there (ok, several sweets), I’m managing to keep my 6.5 lb. weight loss off. If I can just maintain thru the holidays, I’ll resume the loss when we turn the calendar.

And I can't wait to turn that calendar. I can’t remember a time when I was so excited about starting a new year. I’ve decided that 2008 is going to be my year to break out. I am going to challenge myself to try new things, meet new people, see new places. (All of which will, of course, be recorded in both word and image.) This year has been life-changing for me, giving me the courage and the energy to do some exceptional things as I dance into ’08. Big time goals (a couple of books and about 20 other things) and big time fun ~ travels to the northwest I’ve been longing to experience and day by day by day adventures.

I’m going to practice my mantra ~ “Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”

I’m going to grab every moment. And then share it.

Hide and watch me.
