It Was A Holiday!!

The park was full of ice fisher-guys yesterday because it was one of those faux holidays (President’s Day). I had even forgotten that it was a “holiday” because all of my days run into one another and it really doesn’t matter what day it is (unless I have a dentist appointment or a haircut scheduled – two important dates on my calendar). But I was reminded in grand fashion as I was sitting on one of my favorite benches gazing out across the frozen lake to Mt. Evans. The sun gave me a smooch; the sky was that brilliant blinding Colorado blue. What a perfect time and place to let my thoughts wander, then get my head together. In that order. My tranquility was shattered as two SUV’s pulled up about 100 yards from me (I say that like I know – I’m rolling my eyes here. My estimation of distances is as poor as my sense of direction. Let’s just say they were close.) One fisher-fella’ jumped out of each vehicle. Here’s the conversation that set me back on the path real quick.
“Look at you. Are you drinkin’ a beer already? Look at you!”
“Hell yea! It’s a holiday.”
“Well then you should be drinkin’ whiskey!”
Note: It was 9:15 am. AM. As in morning. I hadn’t had breakfast yet. And the fellow drinking the beer didn’t just pop one open as he exited his truck… He hopped out of the truck, took one last swig and tossed the can in the trash dumpster. He had consumed the beer on the road on the way to the park.
Holy moly. I mean I don’t begrudge someone having a beer – God knows I like my wine - but 9:15 in the morning? And in the car?
That little exchange set fido and I on the trail real fast. I thought about that fisher-guy last night as I watched an interview on our local NBC affiliate with a gentleman from Denver – and he is a gentle man – I’ll tell you his story tomorrow. Let’s just say it is one that would make anyone think twice about drinking and driving… maybe even fisher-guy.
Drinking and driving at any time angers me. Drinking while driving is just stupid. I don't care what you think of yourself but when you're on the road, you take my life in your hands, too.
Ice fishing.... my dad used to ice fish but stopped by the time I came along. Or at least he never took me but did take my sisters. They'd ice skate. It's an odd sport, that's for sure.
Never quite understood ice fishing myself. Unless you consider how they do it in places like Minnesota, ie, in semi-luxurious, enclosed, heated, TV-equipped shacks that are dragged out on the ice. Gimme a flyrod and some waders and a mountain trout stream...and maybe a small flask in my vest!
Having the aversion to cold that I do, I don't understand the ice fishing either; however, many don't understand photography as we see it. I've seen the strange stares as I've knelt down on the ground to shoot some small visual treasure.
The drinking and driving is simply careless disregard though. - Shirley
good comments y'all.
*bonnie - i'm with ya'!
*skip - ok, as long as loretta's driving. :)
*shirley - you know, i actually had that same thought as i was writing this! everyone has their "thing" - i, too, have received some really odd looks at times when i'm doing strange things w/my camera!
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