Your Thoughts Will Direct Your Life

I drove into the park today (YAY! Finally!) and smiling past the deer lounging under the grove of trees near the entrance, thoughts of magpies drifted into my head. (I told you it’s a tangled mess of useless knowledge, jumbled images and scattered thoughts up there.) Why magpies? Because every time I enter the park I hear my fabulous friend/writing partner/sister in law’s voice in my ear, “Could you maybe get a better shot of a magpie to match up with that last poem (“Flight of the Magpie”)? Thanks, sweetie! I love you!” Like it’s really easy to catch a magpie in flight… or even just sitting in a tree long enough for me to focus my telephoto lens (hand-held no less), reel in the dog who is chasing a squirrel down the path and get the perfect shot. (Me rolling my eyes; it’s a good thing I love her, too.) “Sis” and I have been collaborating on a book of poetry and photographs for awhile now. Actually we’re done; we just keep tweaking it to avoid the task of marketing it. (“You do it.” “No, you do it.”)
What I really wanted to find in the park today (after an absence of two months OMG!) was an eagle or two. A couple of years ago, when I first discovered bald eagles actually visited our park for a few months each winter and all I had was my little Olympus point and shoot, I saw tons of them. Every single time - two or three would pose patiently for me. Problem was - my camera didn’t have the telephoto power to draw them in close. But, aha! Now I’m armed with a super duper telephoto lens and a better camera and I’m ready to meet the eagles!
So, of course I saw none today. Naughta. Zip. Nothin’. I got nothin’. (as my friend Paul would say.)
But what do you think I did see? Yup. Magpies. A ton of them. It was like a magpie convention. Everywhere I hiked, everywhere I drove – magpie after magpie after magpie. And when I didn’t see them, they literally called to me. I was almost back to the car, the dog was feeling extra frisky and running back and forth (yanking my camera-holding hand) and I hear a sweet birdcall I’ve never heard before. And it just kept calling. I look up and there’s a magpie, just looking at me, posing. Certainly not sounding like any magpie I’ve heard before. I was able to get off a couple of quick shots. (They still weren’t perfect and I'm still tweaking them; which is why I didn’t include one here, but rather a feeble attempt at a hawk shot.)
The moral of the story – and I not only find great irony here but a message. The law of attraction. No matter how badly I wanted to score an eagle, my first thought on entering the park was magpie. And I just couldn’t get it out of my head. Call me crazy (“You’re crazy, lady!”) but I really feel like I invited all those magpies into my life today. I’ve been looking for a decent shot of a magpie for – seriously – a year or more. I just had to work for it a little and be patient.
Aha! I think the message is – set my goals; invite what I want into my life and be tenacious about it. Work for it (there’s that nasty W word… that’s the bummer part – you’ve got to work for it) and it will happen.
“What you focus on expands.” ~~ Oprah
I wonder if that applies to losing weight…
You just made me spew my wine with that last statement. I don't know about you, but I don't want my weight to expand.....
Are you sure you're not inside my head? My head of useless information and usually given out of the blue and making no sense to those around me. Like, where'd that come from?
I am jealous that you got to go to the park today and even though you didn't see any eagles, you still had a great time. I am trying to wrap myself around the idea of the laws of attraction.
ahhh, we should be drinking wine together. i'm so happy you got my little joke. *wink*
yes, i used to be the champ at trivial pursuit -- but only in the arts & entertainment (and sometimes literature) category(ies).
the park was refreshing, but frustrating. the paths i usually trod were either snow-packed or incredibly muddy. simba was just beside herself to be in the park again and totally crazy.
law of attraction... me, too... still trying to see that it really works. what did wayne dyer say way back in the 70's? "You'll see it when you believe it?" i'm always striving...
Trivial pursuit would be an appropriate time to blurt out a useless fact. Me, I blurt out things totally out of the blue. My brain works in mysterious ways.
I think I must work on visualizing a skinny waist..... not an expanding one and quit buying M&Ms so that I can still have that wine. Someday, we will enjoy clink our glasses.
One of Murphy's Laws (of photography): "Not having the right camera or lens (or any camera) when you need it". Maybe that's why there are not any good shots of flying saucers! Yea, right! On our country side hike yesterday, I was hoping to see some sort of wildlife through my 400mm lens, but, alas, nothing. When I don't have my long lens, it's like going to the zoo up there! The birds and critters walk up to me and pose when I am sans camera.
ah, skip - the story of my life as a photographer! inevitably have the wrong camera, wrong lens, my battery dies or the memory card is full(although i do usually carry spares) when wonderful opportunities present themselves. that's when i have to tell myself i'm supposed to just BE in the moment...
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