
I’m staying positive; I’m just tired and feeling terribly behind on projects because this has all become a second job. It’s a matter of prioritizing and relocating is a priority right now. I’ve lived in the same neighborhood for 14 years; the same house for 10. It is the longest I’ve ever lived anywhere in my adult life.
When I look back on my roots I can’t figure out where this wanderlust came from. I grew up in a small farming community in the Midwest. My mom (at age 88) has never lived farther than 10 miles from where she was born. That holds true for almost everyone I knew growing up. So why was I chomping at the bit to leave home at 19 and not look back? I still smile thinking about my late Dad – he was sure I’d “come home” eventually. When I went thru my divorce at 35 and started my single life with two teenage boys he was really sure I’d “come home.” Nope. At 46 I did come home for three weeks when he was dying in hospice. But at the end of that saga I couldn’t wait to hit the road and return to my adopted home.
I’ve lived in (or at least near) the mountains and loved them for a long time. Someday before this journey ends I will live by the sea. I have to. Or I will consider it an unfinished life.
But until then I just need to find a house in my hands down favorite first choice neighborhood. And I will; I’m sure of it. Because 14 years is far too long to be in one place. I’m opening my mind and my heart and keeping my eyes wide open for any flying bricks coming my way.
We live 120 miles from Monterey and take a couple of weekend trips there every year. I always say when we go there, "Who wouldn't want to live here if they could?" I feel the same way as you...I need to live near the ocean (again) before my time runs out. BTW...you will find the house in the neighborhood you want. Your new attitude will ensure that!
From somebody who has lived in many places in the last 20 years, I can relate. Mountains and sea would be my dream location. I guess that's why I loved Seattle and New England but mostly Seattle.
I'm a wanderer at heart, not sure what I'm running from, but I am a wanderer.
ah, skip - Monterey and Carmel - just about the most beautiful spots on the planet. and thanks for the good vibes on the house. :D
*b - i thought of you when i was writing this. as one of my life is good shirts says, "not all who wander are lost." ;-)
Ah, but many of us are and if not lost, not necessarily sure of our direction.
wanderlust - a strong desire to travel, or by having an itch to get out and see the world. That's the "glass half full" definition...that's my way of looking at it. Nay-sayers subscribe to the "glass half empty" definition: "Be happy where you are...the grass is not always greener on the other side of the pasture".
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