Today is Tomorrow

So for all my talk about living life fully and being content with what I have and not wanting more… well, I really do want that new house. It’s been a long time, long term goal of ours and it is finally within reach. I just wish I had someone to take down the wallpaper, clean up the clutter and paint the walls for me. O, and pack the kitchen and the china cabinet and the closets when the time comes. But, alas, it falls to me. And, being the Master Procrastinator that I am, it’s so easy to do my best Scarlett imitation and declare, “I’ll worry about that tomorrow…” (back of my hand on my brow)
Well, sooner or later (and it’s usually sooner) tomorrow comes and I don’t like being caught unprepared. Unlike someone in my family, I don’t work well under pressure. I really wasn’t one of those kids who put off homework till Sunday night. But I did wait till Sunday afternoon. And thus began my dread of Sundays which carried well into my adult life.
I don’t want to live my days over the next few very busy months as one eternal Sunday. Discipline, as much as I need it now, is escaping me. And that old resentment is rearing its ugly head. But before I travel too far down that road I have to stop the car. That kind of thinking will get me nowhere but in the ditch, frustrated and anxious. Because, as a very wise man once told me and it will always hold true: “What is… is.” Such wisdom in three little words. Kind of like a Reader's Digest version of the Serenity Prayer.
So, what I need to do is find a way to find joy and fulfillment in the tasks (no matter how mundane) that lie ahead. Keep my eye on the prize, so to speak; I will have my new house at the end of the day. (I wish it was today, but I have to earn it.) And find satisfaction every step of the way in knowing that I did it!
That’s the ticket. And now I’m off to Target. Just kidding. I’m off to the living room to start soaking a wallpaper border. And for every section that peels (or pulls) off the wall, I’ll celebrate my accomplishments with great pride.
And a glass of wine at 5:30. *wink*
I think I'll join you in that glass of wine.
And remember, yesterday is past, tomorrow is the future, only today is a day that you can be and do, even those nasty chores. Around here, Mike removes the wallpaper even when I do the painting.
team work. what a novel idea. unheard of is these parts...
That's partly because he feels only he can do it right and I let him keep thinking that! My Momma didn't raise no fool. ;)
smart woman you. :)
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