Play Nice.

Thru simple and steady observation last week I saw a reflection of someone I don't want to be and I came to an important decision. I decided right then and there to wake up every morning and make a concerted effort to be nice to my husband. That’s all – just be nice. And when I told him, “I’ve decided I’m going to be nicer to you,” the expression of relief and happiness on his face almost made me cry. Had I really been that bad?
His face said that I had.
It is surprising how when you’re together a long time, one can slide into a rhythm of short words and short tempers and “I know best and it must be done my way.” That kind of attitude with the one you’re supposed to love the most. The one who in the beginning made your heart flutter at the sound of his voice. You couldn’t sleep for thinking about his eyes. The touch of his hand made you feel weak. The day he proposed and you shared the news with his parents you drank too many margaritas and got sick. O, wait, maybe that was just me…
My point is this – why and how do we lose sight of all that compassion? Why would you ever want to be mean to that person – the one you cherish more than anyone on Earth? I’ve heard it said, “You only hurt the one you love,” but I’ll tell you what – that’s changing in my house. Kindness begets Kindness. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. All of those trite statements hold a lot of truth.
Life is too short. Remember the joy. Remember why you fell in love.
And play nice.
Excellent writing, Cindi. A reminder to us all, well me, anyway, as I often fall into bad habits. Habits born a lifetime ago.
Very well expressed truths that so many of us lose sight of...I think this entry should be clipped and put on refrigerators around the planet...thanks for putting your thoughts on the blog. BTW, I came here via your Flickr page, which is wonderful.
Cindi, Thanks for sharing. You are so right, we do become complacent with those that we love. Often with the excuse, they will love me anyway. I am as guilty as everyone else of doing the same. Hugs!
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