Breathe. Just Breathe.

Life can really throw challenges in the mix on a whim, can’t it? Especially when it seems everything is just fine, all is well, just a bowl of cherries. But, o no, things are too happy, too smooth, too easy… Here come the challenges, the doubts, the fears, the worries, the anxieties. And then my breathing becomes erratic. As does my heart. And then my head throbs. And it all spirals down.
I have to consciously and deliberately stop. Stop and breathe. Stop and write it out – its how I learned to process my thoughts long ago. Stop and breathe some more. Have a cup of mint tea. Break it down and handle one thing at a time. One thing at a time. And just breathe.
I’m a visual person, so seeing my thoughts on paper makes them easier to handle. A therapist once told me, too, that I do fine when I have information. Withhold information from me – tell a little white lie – leave a little of the facts out – say something just to appease me -- and my breathing becomes erratic.
One thing at a time. One challenge at a time.
And breathe. Just breathe.
I felt this way many times during Mom's illness. I felt overwhelmed. I finally got to the point where I would remind myself to live in the moment. Most of the time I was fearing what might be or how would I... But, if I pulled myself back to the moment, I realized there wasn't anything happening then that I couldn't handle. And, at first, we had to remind Mom to just breathe when her oxygen level fell, and she would panic, taking short breaths, making matters worse. Then she would stop, take a deep breath, blow it out through her mouth... take another... and take another until the episode passed and her oxygen level had gone back up. We all have to remind ourselves over and over to just breathe.
Listen to Jimmy Buffet.
I bought a cheap watch from the crazy man
Floating down Canal
It doesn’t use numbers or moving hands
It always just says now
Now you may be thinking that I was had
But this watch is never wrong
And if I have trouble the warranty said
Breathe in breathe out move on
I think you need a hug. {{{hug}}}
*s - you really prompted a forgotten memory. see next post!
*b - nothing like a good jimmy lyric to put things into perspective. thanks. and hugs are always, always welcome!
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