Friday, January 12, 2007

What Is Your Feather?

I heard a story once about a woman who had recently lost her husband to cancer. He was taken suddenly and much too young; she was devastated when he passed. But in the short time they had leading up to his death they had deep discussions about her future and the future of their little daughter. He told her, “Believe me ~ I will always be with you both.”

Weeks after his death, still griped in sorrow, she and her daughter were walking down the city street on their way home when a feather drifted down and landed at their feet. They instantly felt his presence. They lovingly swept up the feather, carried it home and placed it in a prominent place. Passing that feather each day they gained strength and truly felt he was with them. He was telling them to honor his life by getting up each day, breathing in and out and eventually living happy lives themselves.

After hearing that story I have never looked at a feather in quite the same way ... And it got me thinking. What, in my life, symbolizes something that means everything to me? As corny as it may sound ~ my wedding ring. It is a trillium (a triangle). To me that symbolizes my children, my husband and me. All add up to my life. My older son designed my ring, making it special. Last year after 12 years of marriage we added a "wedding" band to my diamond ~ thus really sealing the deal. My ring is very special to me and stands for all that we are and all we've been thru...

But I'm wondering... what is your feather?


At 9:52 AM, Blogger pearl said...

beautiful post, Cindi.

To be honest, I don't have anything material that i treasure because all that i do treasure isn't really tangible. That is, the love of my family and friends, my good health (knock on wood - rapping my head), my sound mind (HUH????!?!?!). That's just me.

hugs and love, Sweetie!

At 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've honestly given this thought, and I come up with nothing. I did have an interesting experience years ago where I received a 'sign' like this about a situation in my life at the time, and I clung to it!


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