Thursday, January 04, 2007

From the Land of Ice and Snow

I can handle the snow. It’s the ice that drives me crazy. There’s just something about my bum meeting the earth at lightning speed that sets a bad tone for the day. Even though I’m only 5’4” my center of gravity is a lot higher than Simba’s; so when she decides to take me for a ride I have more to lose. I guess the reason it bothers me so much is because this isn’t the Colorado I know and love. In the 32 years I’ve called Colorado home, the snow we get almost always melts within a couple of days. It never lasts this long.

And guess what? Even though the situation is improving, we’re supposed to get more snow tomorrow!!!

Being somewhat housebound has taught me something, too. I’m addicted to fresh air. And nature. Even my daily photography has suffered. I always, always have some form of camera with me on my morning walks (and I walk every morning). Lately it’s been too dangerous to carry a camera; I even worry about carrying my cell phone w/the camera. It not only diminishes the joy of my daily strolls, but I’ve got very few new images. Again – a lesson. I didn’t realize how daily shooting had become such an essential part of my life. I guess it’s time to move photography inside for still life shots. Not as enticing to me as nature, but it’ll have to do for now.

Paraphrasing something my favorite writing teacher once said,
“When creative people are creating, they’ve got the world on a string, sittin’ on a rainbow. When they’re not creating, they’re in therapy.”

Let’s see… where did I put my therapist’s number??

If I sound like I’m whining ~ yup, I am.

I still find myself w/out the ultimate answer as to what I should or shouldn’t write about and put out there for the world to see. I guess I’ll just take it one day at a time and go where my head and my heart think I should go. In mulling the thought over though, I was reminded of a quote (As you will see, I’m a nut for quotes).

“A true artist is always unsatisfied with whatever they do. But you also have to force yourself to put something out there every once in awhile or you’ll never get anywhere.” **Lucas Shuman**

Yes, that’s my son. I would say “out of the mouths of babes” but he was about 26 when he said it. I know Luke was referring to art literally, but I think it applies to any form of creativity. That includes writing. That book of mine that’s waiting to be written will require me “putting myself out there” to a certain extent ~ perhaps causing some who know me to scratch their heads in bewilderment. So maybe warming up to it via blog could be an interesting exercise. Testing the waters so to speak.

We’ll see. All I know is writing is how I have always processed my thoughts. Writing has helped me solve some pretty big quandaries. Writing has helped me make some big life decisions. Writing doesn’t judge, preach or let me down. It is always there for me.

I’ve recently gotten acquainted with a gifted young woman ~ an artist and writer. Her writing is designed to not only tell a story, but to leave you pondering. I love that. So, thank you m’dear way out East (and if you're reading this you know who you are). :) You have inspired me. Borrowing a page from your book, I’ve decided to occasionally close my posting with a question. So today I ask ~

What is your outlet ~ your "go to" thing? What always helps you row your boat thru rough waters?


At 12:02 PM, Blogger Bonnie said...

I used to feel I had to have a camera with me every time I walked. Now, I walk for me and still manage to enjoy the scenery. Although, there are still times that I wish I had a camera.

Your question is a difficult one. What do I do to navigate my rough waters? Build a bridge to Starbucks and use the glow of a lighthouse to guide me.


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