Monday, January 08, 2007

Monday, Monday

So I’m thinking of the millions of people going off to work this morning, many to a tiny cubicle, an angry boss breathing down their neck as they sit stiffly all day staring at a monitor and wishing they were anywhere but where they are. At least that’s how Mondays used start for me. And Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. With rare exception, I spent 22 years like that. The memory makes me shudder.

So imagine my curiosity as I viewed a segment on The Today Show this morning when they reported on the #1 company in the country to work for. Not surprising Fortune Magazine has named Google the best place to work.
I’ve heard tell that those crazy, innovative California companies have some pretty amazing workplaces ~ campuses they call them. Apparently everyone wants to work at Google. So much so that they receive 3,000 applications a day. And who wouldn’t want to work where you are privy to 11 gourmet restaurants; a gym complete with personal trainers; five doctors on staff; incentives as much as $5,000 if you buy a hybrid car. You can wear your ‘jammies to work (my pink flamingos with the Airstream trailers would be a hit!). You can cruise around the office on roller skates and bring your dog with you (as long as your co-workers are ok with it). There’s a laundry facility on site and you can get your car washed while you’re sitting on your exercise ball working away on your laptop. Got a mental block? Play a game of pool or shoot some hoops till it passes. No time to get a hair cut? No worries, there are stylists on site as well. $2,000 will be yours if you refer a friend for a job and they’re hired. And, of course it goes without saying, massage therapists are on duty almost around the clock. On site child care is a given.

And the real kicker ~ all of this is FREE!

Productivity and employee morale sky rockets. There’s the occasional crunch which will require an all-nighter or two, but that’s a small sacrifice for all the perks. More than a fair exchange. Believe me, I know companies who expect such loyalty and provide none of those benefits in return…

If I could drive to work in my new Prius and wander into my office in my flannel Nick & Nora ‘jammies, with Simba at my side, a scrumptious breakfast awaiting me, knowing that I could work out later and then get a massage and a hair cut, I might ~ might ~ be tempted to go back to workin’ for the man.

Maybe. But I doubt it.


At 1:47 PM, Blogger Bonnie said...

Funny, it's still work and not play, even with all those luxury items. Bringing your dog to work means you can stay longer. Doctors on-site, who needs a sick day. It's like a stay-at-home mom only with better pay and more respect.

At 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, Bonnie has a point. Since there are no free lunches, I would expect there to be a pretty major 'payback'. Guess I've grown cynical and suspicious in my old age.

At 5:56 PM, Blogger Cindi said...

all valid points! i just know i've worked in jobs with non of those perks and all of the expectations... i still wouldn't trade my current job for anything. ;-)

At 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nor would I! :D

At 7:43 PM, Blogger Bonnie said...

I might like to be a Barista at Starbucks. ;)


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