Free Spirit

But for now I have to revamp the old and make it insipidly neutral. I don’t have to, but I’m work off the advice of a wise former realtor as to various ways to make a house sell quickly. One of the standards (typically) is – don’t assume everyone (or anyone) looking at your house will have your tastes. Not everyone adores color like I do. And (typically) off-white/neutral rooms appear larger.
So, anyhoo, I know I have my work cut out for me (and that doesn’t count cleaning the basement) – especially if we want to make this happen in the next few months (which I certainly do).
So, of course, I have spent the day doing a series of still photo shoots (which have been well received and I forgot how much I enjoy doing them – change of pace, I guess). Downloading, minimal tweaking, some flickr uploads, more shooting, trying to get my damn Epson to print (grrrr), eating the mini cupcake I was using for the shoot, perusing blogs and my flickr contacts photostreams, writing a couple of thank you notes and now I’m writing this. Ellen’s on and Oprah will follow and then the Mr. and I may go out for a light dinner to catch up on the weekend as he was in Texas and I was here.
I think I need a deadline.
Sounds lovely. I look forward to the days of no deadlines...where I am more involved in the pleasure of 'just being' instead of having to do. - Shirley
You know, color can be a good thing. It doesn't all have to be egg shell white but definitely neutral and color that accentuates the room and lighting. Listen to me, my bedroom/bathroom still isn't finished.
Deadlines, sometimes I need them, too, or I wouldn't get anything done, even laundry.
thanks you two.
*shirley - i am SO lucky to be able to schedule my days. i spent a lot of years unable to do that, so i never take it for granted. just feel guilty sometimes when i spend too much time "playing." ;-)
*b - just heard a report this morning that there are more houses on the market now than ever before and "staging" is so important. yikes. we may have to take some furniture out!
i hear ya' on the laundry deadlines, too. :D
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