The Extraordinary Art of Just "Being"

I’ve heard talk here and there lately (in the media mostly) about “Life Lists” – things people want to do before they die. I compiled lists like that for years, most often in the Januarys of my life. In the beginning they were called “new year’s resolutions;” now, if I do them at all I coin them as “goals” or more likely “dreams.” I think I stopped making those lists because I felt like such a failure if I didn’t fulfill them. And sometimes they just got boring because I had the same things listed every year… “lose weight; exercise more; quit smoking” – well, two out of three ain’t bad.
Age can be eye-opening. My way of thinking now is: if I didn’t complete something on my [life] list perhaps I didn’t really want to do it. Or I was just too lazy to follow thru. And I’m not a loser because I didn’t. Ask anyone who really knows me and they will confirm the fact that over the years I have been the Queen of Brow-beating, my own Worst Enemy, The Mistress of Self Deprecation. So to make a list every year which would just seem to reinforce the fact that I’m a loser eventually lost its charm.
I do sometimes think at the end of the day ~ what the hell did I do all day? But I am finally allowing myself to have days like that. Days when I’ve just had fun playing – or doing nothing. It took me a long time to give myself permission to have days like that. On other days (and I really try not to have too many of these) I do feel a sense of time running out – and there’s so much to be seen and done before I say goodbye.
But for now I’ll linger just a bit longer in the warmth of my blankets, savor the quiet as I gaze out at winter’s ballet and be grateful for slowly unfolding days like this.
I can so relate to this today. I took a 'my time' day yesterday to putter around with those scrapbooks of my life's memories and souvenirs. It was good. In the process of gathering up all the bits and pieces to stuff into sheet protectors, I stumbled upon a folder of a book in the works. I guess that's not an uncommon thing for most of us to have--a few chapters of a book lying around. Different this time I stumbled across it was the decision that, not today, but soon, I will take those chapters and shred them and the hope of ever writing it...not because I feel like a loser, as you say, but because it's a dream I once had that somewhere I lost interest in. It's not a dream anymore, and I am able to realize and accept that now. Something is taking place in me in the past six months. Lots of old dreams I was afraid to let go of, I now can. To shred those pages will be liberating. I think once we realize a one-time dream is truly no longer a dream, a tremendous load is lifted when we remove it from our life. I look forward to removing the load of this one and replacing it with a new one. Not sure what that is right now, but it will come... - Shirley
Nothing wrong with a life list that is evolving and changing. Like I always say, life is about change and nothing ever stays the same. What I say, feel and believe today, may be completely different tomorrow.
Don't dwell too long on the end, just live each day to the fullest, even when doing those things considered mundane.
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