A New Day

I truly had forgotten how satisfying it is to take on a task I knew nothing about, see it thru to fruition and see it well done at that. Factor in that I thrive on change and I haven’t made any changes to my environment in a long time – I do believe I’ve been in a rut in that respect. And ironically just as I was finishing up yesterday and sat down for the first time all day, what’s the subject of Oprah’s Wednesday show? How your environment [your home] affects your life and your well-being. The timing couldn’t have been better. It dealt a lot with clutter in your home and how that clutters your mind and your mood and your effectiveness as a human being. I’ve known that for a long time and at times it really has inspired me to de-clutter. But I have never done it to the point of it being life changing. That’s because I always quit before the clutter was completely gone.
I feel inspired now, though, to really follow thru. To really rid myself – and my home – of things I don’t need. They are just things! I realize I do spend a lot of energy dreading, thinking about, procrastinating about getting the clutter out of my life. I want to spend my energy on things that will lift me up, not drag me down. And in that respect I realize, too, that I think I’ve been in a rut. I’ve been carrying the weight of this clutter on my shoulders and in my head for years! (Yes, that can be interpreted metaphorically, too.) And I am SO ready for a new and fresh perspective!
It just makes so much sense. If your environment is free, your spirit will be as well. Housecleaning translates to head-cleaning. It’s time. It’s finally time. I finally see that doing this is not a burden, it’s not a chore, it’s nothing to feel resentful about – it’s a gift to myself.
The sun is peeking over the horizon and I am ready for the day to begin. Because I’m one step closer to being free.
Inspiring post! When we downsized back in 2000, we had to get rid of so much stuff! After we did it, though, I realized how liberating it was. I actually like living in a smaller space, as long as it's organized. You can do more with less!!! We moved into a larger unit over a year ago, and I still haven't organized it. I think that has to do with knowing it's temporary, and I can tell the difference. I need to just invest the time in getting that project done! Maybe you've inspired me to tackle it... Now...er...what were you saying about truffles?
I did it again! - Shirley, Shirley, Shirley!!!
I see we are on the same page. I spent some time going through my closet, getting rid of clothes that I'll never wear again. And I can actually see some wood on my desk. So much work to do on many levels.
You have some great phoyos on your blog. did you take them all?
thank you, edward.
yes, all mine; all copyrighted. :)
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