Thursday, February 08, 2007

A New Day

Well, I did it. Four and half hours later I have no ducks waddling around the top of my living room walls. Once I got started and got a rhythm going it really wasn’t that hard. And I must say that with each section that came off my sense of satisfaction grew. I really hadn’t intended to do it all in one day, but as I grew closer to the end I would tell myself, “just one more” as if I was eating potato chips (or more likely in my case truffles). Before I knew it I was done. The room looks cleaner and even a little larger. So now I’m definitely inspired to bang out the dining room border – it’s much smaller.

I truly had forgotten how satisfying it is to take on a task I knew nothing about, see it thru to fruition and see it well done at that. Factor in that I thrive on change and I haven’t made any changes to my environment in a long time – I do believe I’ve been in a rut in that respect. And ironically just as I was finishing up yesterday and sat down for the first time all day, what’s the subject of Oprah’s Wednesday show? How your environment [your home] affects your life and your well-being. The timing couldn’t have been better. It dealt a lot with clutter in your home and how that clutters your mind and your mood and your effectiveness as a human being. I’ve known that for a long time and at times it really has inspired me to de-clutter. But I have never done it to the point of it being life changing. That’s because I always quit before the clutter was completely gone.

I feel inspired now, though, to really follow thru. To really rid myself – and my home – of things I don’t need. They are just things! I realize I do spend a lot of energy dreading, thinking about, procrastinating about getting the clutter out of my life. I want to spend my energy on things that will lift me up, not drag me down. And in that respect I realize, too, that I think I’ve been in a rut. I’ve been carrying the weight of this clutter on my shoulders and in my head for years! (Yes, that can be interpreted metaphorically, too.) And I am SO ready for a new and fresh perspective!

It just makes so much sense. If your environment is free, your spirit will be as well. Housecleaning translates to head-cleaning. It’s time. It’s finally time. I finally see that doing this is not a burden, it’s not a chore, it’s nothing to feel resentful about – it’s a gift to myself.

The sun is peeking over the horizon and I am ready for the day to begin. Because I’m one step closer to being free.


At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inspiring post! When we downsized back in 2000, we had to get rid of so much stuff! After we did it, though, I realized how liberating it was. I actually like living in a smaller space, as long as it's organized. You can do more with less!!! We moved into a larger unit over a year ago, and I still haven't organized it. I think that has to do with knowing it's temporary, and I can tell the difference. I need to just invest the time in getting that project done! Maybe you've inspired me to tackle it... were you saying about truffles?

At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did it again! - Shirley, Shirley, Shirley!!!

At 7:31 AM, Blogger Bonnie said...

I see we are on the same page. I spent some time going through my closet, getting rid of clothes that I'll never wear again. And I can actually see some wood on my desk. So much work to do on many levels.

At 8:24 AM, Blogger Edward Ott said...

You have some great phoyos on your blog. did you take them all?

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Cindi said...

thank you, edward.
yes, all mine; all copyrighted. :)


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