I've Got a New Attitude!

I don’t really believe in horoscopes, but I do have them pop up on my home page every day. I read them for fun. They are almost always quite broad in scope and could definitely apply to anyone’s day. I rank their viability right up there w/fortune cookies; but I do enjoy a good cookie. About a month ago my morning prediction made me stop and read it twice. I even printed it out (and, of course, in the mess that is my desk I can’t find it now.) It read something like, “keep an open mind; someone is going to come into your life/or present you with an idea that could hold promise of positive change.” Or something to that effect. What I do remember is that it impacted me enough to actually print it out for later review.
About three days after the intriguing words from the world of predictions, I was having a conversation with a dear friend. She was excited about the possibility of something good happening that seemed to just have appeared in her life out of nowhere. I remarked on what a coincidence it was that this was happening. She said, “No. No coincidence. It’s because I’ve invited this into my life now. It’s the ol’ ‘law of attraction.’ Because this is something I really want, I have attracted it to me by thinking about it and thinking positively and being aware when the opportunity presented itself.”
Bells went off in my head. Fireworks exploded in front of my eyes. I just stared at her like a deer caught in the headlights. She looked at me. “What?” I told her about my horoscope. She told me about a book she’s reading about just that very thing – “the law of attraction.” I was so intrigued I asked if I could borrow it; she was still reading it so offered me its predecessor. She warned me that it’s a little strange in the beginning, but stick with it – the message is good.
So, if you follow my blog you know I’m not exactly a speed-reader. And, yes, the beginning was a little strange, so it’s taking me awhile to get thru this book. And it’s deep; so I’m (of course) taking my time with it. But the message is good and positive and I do think I’m getting something out of it. So I’m reading a few pages a day and keeping this theory in the back of my mind as I go about my daily routine.
As part of that daily routine, 4:00 is kind of my “take a break” time of day. I tune into our local CBS affiliate to see if Oprah has anything interesting to say. If she does, I’ll actually stop what I’m doing and watch. If it’s mildly entertaining I’ll keep working and have her in the background. Lately I’ve been interested in what she presents. Well, the other day I hear the tease and it’s all about “The Secret.” “Do you know the secret to a happy life? Tune in!”
I’ll try to make this brief… I tune in at 4:00 and who do I see sitting next to Oprah, but Jack Canfield. I’m sure you’ve heard of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series of books. Jack Canfield, with his partner Mark Hansen, had the idea for the books and after many, many rejections finally published the first one and – well, the rest is history. Several years ago I attended a seminar held by Jack and Mark and had the pleasure of meeting them. They signed my books and we chatted a bit. I told Jack I write a bit and he invited me to send him “my stuff.” It took a few weeks to muster the courage, but I finally sent him some “stuff.” A couple of weeks later I received a hand-written note from Jack (it’s in a box somewhere and I’m going to search for it!). He said something to the effect of, “I really enjoyed reading your stuff. Keep going! You’ll find a publisher!” Of course I never really pursued it, but I was thrilled that he had responded so positively.
So, that’s my background with Jack. Now I see him sitting next to Oprah with a panel of four other people. And the subject of the show “The Secret” is a DVD film they have put together all about “the laws of attraction.” OMG. The message seems so simplistic, but how many of us actually put it into practice? To think positively in every situation, to put that positive energy into action (translation – work hard); and most of all, to be grateful. Be grateful for everything in your life, every situation, every person, every blessing. Even when things seem to be going badly, stop and ask yourself, “What am I supposed to learn from this?”
And as if it weren’t enough to once again hear “the law of attraction” and to see Jack Canfield and learn about “The Secret” – one of the women in the DVD is one of the authors of the book I was loaned. (BTW – the book is “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks.) Enough common threads to make me sit up and take notice for sure. I do believe the Universe has gone beyond tapping me on the shoulder and whispering in my ear. It is now throwing bricks at my head.
And now (I promise I’ll wrap this up shortly) I’ve had the opportunity to apply this to my own life. We’ve done some intense house-hunting in the last two days. Last year at this time we were concentrating on a neighborhood which is hands down our favorite and first choice. We discovered it was a little more than the average person (and we’re average people) could afford. So we shifted our dreams back into reality and this year began looking in two other neighborhoods which we felt could work. After looking in both of them this week and not finding anything that would fit our bill, I felt myself becoming frustrated and very disappointed. But before I could spiral completely down I stopped myself and thought “What is the reason we’re not finding anything?” I said out loud to the mister, “Maybe we’re not supposed to be there.” I had to repeat it a couple of times and I started believing it. He agreed and suggested another neighborhood we hadn’t checked in a long time. I perked up.
When we arrived home, I went online to begin the search for the neighborhood he had suggested. Guess what popped up the first time out? A home in our hands down favorite and first choice neighborhood – the one we had deemed out of reach a year ago. Even stranger – it’s in our price range and seems to have all the amenities we’re looking for. Not the least of which is being located in our hands down favorite and first choice neighborhood. We’re taking a drive later… It may not be “the” home, but it has opened our minds up to the possibilities that maybe there is still a chance to be where we really wanted to be in the first place.
So, as Patti LaBelle would say -- I’ve got a new attitude. And at the very least – staying positive makes for a much happier life. I’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Open yourself to the Universe and the Universe will open up to you. Even if it has to throw a few bricks in your direction to get your attention.
Very nice Cindi. I am in quite a transitional period in my life right now, and your thoughts are very inspiring. I'm including your "new-found" blog on my blog. I look forward to sharing some thoughts (and, of course, photos) in the future.
Wow, you have found a new attitude. A new and inspirational attitude. It reminds a bit of The Celestine Prophecy.
*aw, skip thank you! i appreciate you stopping by and look forward to exchanging thoughts! there's something about middle age that is so fabulous!!!
*and b - thank you, sweetie. omg - it's been years since i've read Celestine! now i want to read it again! i'll never forget that was a book that really touched my son's soul - and he was just a teenager at the time!
It touched me, celestine, in many ways, too, as a young mother. I think I may have to re-read it soon.
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