I Know Me.

You might seek out extra private time today and the quiet solace can do you a world of good. Unexpected visitors or a change in your schedule can increase your anxiety level, so it's important to do whatever is necessary to replenish your energy. Don't be afraid of turning off your computer and pulling the plug on your phone. If at all possible, get out and enjoy the comfort and beauty offered by nature.
Friday, February 16, 2007
‘Nuf said. I do think the Universe wants me to take a break; or at least do something I delight in for the next couple of days. O that I could spend some time in nature… I think I’m in dire need. I was surprised on our morning walk to feel milder temperatures ~ it’s only noon and it’s almost 50 degrees! But, as predicted, the wind is picking up and we most likely get gusts of 60-100 mph as the day progresses. Bummer. But this weekend looks good – it’s forecasted to be almost 60 degrees by Sunday, so there just may be a long, long Sunday stroll in store for me and the pooch (and maybe the mister). Now that’s something to be happy about! It’s the little things, ya’ know?
I’m seeing that my two creative loves don’t like to share the stage. Those of you who know me from Flickr (which is probably about 98% of my readers!) will see that I’m not posting a lot of photos there when I’m writing. I don’t think it’s that I can’t do both; it’s just that right now the writing is giving me more satisfaction. I feel more of an urge to communicate with words rather than images. Words have always been my salvation. A couple of years ago they became too difficult and I retreated into the world of images ~ it was just easier. But I missed writing desperately and am so happy to be luxuriating in the sea of words again…
Words. I actually did spend some time last night with a new book “for one more day” by Mitch Albom. He’s the guy who wrote “Tuesdays with Morrie” ~ a book that really impacted me. Morrie’s story was one that made me really think and really appreciate how precious life is and to be grateful for every day. One of the most treasured compliments I ever received was when a writing teacher compared my writing style to his (Mitch’s). I don’t think I’ll ever come close, but I was so humbly grateful for such kind words.
So, I’ll try – really try – not to notice the mess that is my basement or spend time obsessing with the house hunt (I spent about 4 hours online yesterday researching and printing out possible homes). It’ll all be there when I decide to return. And for sure I’m making time this afternoon to watch Oprah as they review “The Secret” once more. *wink*
But I know me (I’ve lived with me all my life) ~ time spent quietly will without a doubt present about 20 things I’ll want to write about. I’ll probably have three entries a day this weekend. I’m already thinking about my Dad and a few things I’ve written about him in the past (an unresolved relationship). I’m thinking about a Flickr friend whose beautiful golden retriever is dying. I’m thinking about writing a piece on aging parents and sending it to NBC Nightly News as they are doing a big segment this week and next on “Trading Places” – all about my generation caring for our parents in their final years. I’m thinking about that August wedding and how I will officially be a mother-in-law and how that will change my life. Or not.
That’s how my head works… I think writing is a form of meditation for me. When I open my mind and clear it of all the clutter and obligations, thoughts and ideas and emotions flood that space above my neck and they just have to come out thru my fingers.
I know me. I’ve lived with me all my life.
Photography is writing of a different sort so you've never really stopped, just switched utensils. When images can't carry the emotion, words take their place.
Images or Words, your message is clear and beautifully presented.
The joy of creativity is the freedom to do it when and how one chooses. You have no criteria except to follow the path where your heart leads today!
LOVED the book! I bought it the day it was released. I love his books. Five People You Meet in Heaven really impacted me. - Shirley
It's supposed to be 72 degrees around her tomorrow (as it was today). I pledged to myself to spend part of the day with my camera. I hope you do as well. Seems that Sunday will be the start of at least a week of rain around here. You are so talented in both writing and photography...I hope you don't forsake the photos for any length of time...just combine both! I'll be watching for your art in both genres.
b - bingo! which is why when words were a struggle, the images came easily. and thank you. more than you know.
shirl- yes. but i find i'm not happy if i don't do something creative every single day. it's just how i'm wired. ;-) i read five people you meet in heaven, too. tuesdays is still my favorite, but both were good; i'm just getting into for one more day. :)
skip- how i envy you your CA weather this time of year! and thank you for all of your support and kind words! i'm developing an idea that just may incorporate both...
thank you all for being the best cheerleaders a girl could have! believe me, it touches me and will come back to you big time! :D
your photos are worth a million words....
and just as so, your words are worth a million pictures.
hope your find your peace, solace, renewal....
love and hugs!
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