To Life...

Except we were witnessing the signing of wills ~ those of good friends, drawn up by another good friend (who in this story just happens to be the attorney). We, of course, made it light and breezy ~ glasses of chardonnay, a vodka tonic or two, scotch on the rocks; a nice camembert, sliced apples and chocolates completed the table. We’re all in our 50’s and good health, so it was just a matter of signing on the dotted line so to speak, with conversations of our busy days floating around the room. We didn’t give a lot of thought to what was really taking place here.
Until Mark said, “Ok. Let’s go around the table and answer some questions. Do you want to be cremated or buried and why? And if you want to be cremated, where do you want your ashes spread and why?”
The room became silent as we all gave those serious questions some thought. O, yeah. What we’re gathered here for is serious. Life. And Death. Life. And what follows.
Eventually answers formed. They held hands and made their way around the table. There were some light moments and some laughter ~ even a couple of song lyrics and tunes bantered about ~ but in the end we shared fears and resignations; beliefs and hopes. Eight people who grew up in the Midwest, the South, the East, and the Northwest ~ all as varied as we were the same.
What do I carry with me from that night? The importance of friendship. How friends really do double your joy and divide your grief. What’s important in life. Family. Friends. Living one’s life with purpose. Remembering to have fun. Caring about something enough to sacrifice for it. Spending my days well ~ and defining my days in my way. To quote Richard Carlson ~ “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” And, you know what? In the big scheme of things, there’s a lot of small stuff.
Mark said, “Come on over around 7:15 for a will-signing party.”
It was so much more.
Labels: friendship life death