What's Your Sign?

I read my horoscope in two places every morning. In case you missed it, that’s the crazy part. I’m a Scorpio, btw, and we’re quite the interesting bunch. I just Googled it.
·We are not social butterflies. Aha! That explains why I describe myself as a lone wolf. And what a relief! I adore being a Lone Wolf. We actually prefer being alone because we like to be in charge and if we’re alone there’s no question of who’s in charge. Yikes. That’s harsh…
·We have an excellent memory, but that can be a double-edged sword as we don’t let go of things easily ~ however, that can be positive as well because we remember a kindness forever and will repay that time and time again.
·Honesty is a priority for us. Just ask my husband. Or my kids.
·We are ambitious, persistent and determined. You would think I would have done more with my life by now…
·We don’t give trust easily. Just ask my husband. Or my kids.
·We love intensely. Just ask my husband. Or my kids. Maybe even my friends.
·We are not game players. Just ask my husband. Period.
·We are passionate. Period.
·We are driven by emotions. Sorry.
·We are intense. Sorry again.
·We are loyal, but jealous and possessive. Two things not to be proud of.
·We are observant (helloooo total visual learner and observer of life; not to mention my love of cameras)
·We are fiercely independent. I like that.
·We are tenacious. That can be good and bad.
·We are intuitive. Just ask my kids.
·We are emotional. Just ask my husband.
·We are the most misunderstood of all astrological signs. Is that supposed to make me feel better?
·We are constantly seeking our purpose in life. Tell me something I don’t know. But in a strange way, that’s comforting to know I’m on a path I’m supposed to be on.
So, ummm… yeah. When I Googled all that it was intriguing, but a little scary. Scary because that’s me ~ all the good and bad of me. Yikes.
But what I started out to say was, I read my horoscope in two places every day and it really does blow me away how close to my day to day life they seem to come. Not that I live my life by it, but I do find it curiously interesting. And I’ve always kind of been happy to be a Scorpio. The intensity is hard to live with sometimes, but it’s never, ever boring!
And, actually, I’ve been struggling with some stuff in the last week and gaining this information (if you think its all crap ~ sorry); I’m actually finding some solace in this little interpretation of my personality. In a weird way, it’s helping me to lighten up on myself a little. (Did it say any place in there that Scorpios are terribly hard on themselves and experts at brow-beating?)
So what’s your sign? I’d love to know. Blog about it!
Labels: astrology sign "what's your sign" personalities traits